Case study: If the person is in prison and was involved in a fight

by | Aug 22, 2012 | News

If the person is in prison and was involved in a fight and is now being charged with aggravated assault s in prison for manslaughter

Attorney Roe Response:

Agree with other commentators. Need more info. However, here’s something the inmate needs to know. You say he/she is in prison for manslaughter. Picking up a new case while serving time can have some very harsh consequences on the underlying beef. What do I mean? He could very well lose his good time credits earned due to this new incident. How does this occur? Board of Prison Terms will conduct an administrative investigation and provide to him due process rights (i.e. notice and right to be heard) prior to taking away those credits. I have represented several men who have aggressively fought the administrative parole hearing all the while being transported back and forth between CDC and local county jail to fight the new case. It is very important to fight both. Good luck!